Introduction to the Podcast

Thomas Keating (1923-2018), author, priest and monk, spoke of a contemplative dimension of life (CDL) and how we can awaken to it via our experiences of nature, scientific discovery, artIstic expression, religion or otherwise. A religious person might say such awakening is a grace and of god’s will. Other’s that it is simply a human potentiality that is common to all. This podcast explores through conversational interviews how diverse individuals and traditions understand the CDL and related practices, and how such practices can enrich life experience.
Initial Episodes

-  Welcome, Ron Barnett
-  Organization or Organism?: The Story of Contemplative Outreach, Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler, former
-  Miksang: Seeing and Photographing the Visual World, Julie DuBose, Director & Co-Founder, The Miksang
    Institute for Contemplative Photography
-  The Retreat - Time-out at 8,000 Feet, Pat Johnson, Retreat Leader, St. Benedict’s Monastery, Snowmass CO
-  Pedagogy and Education, TBA
-  Health Care, Self Care and Medicine: The Role of Mindfulness, John A. Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP
-  Social Action, TBA
-  Managing the Mind During Long Distance Swimming, Jim Clifford, Attorney-at-Law
-  Contemplative Wilderness, Stephen Hatch
Host: Ron Barnett
Ron received a doctorate in psychology with a focus on cognition and leaning and worked for many years in medical research with the U.S. National Institutes of Health. He is a lifelong student and teacher of contemplative practices including approaches to meditation and the flourishing of human well-being. Ron served as a Board Trustee of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. and Coordinator of its Chapter for metropolitan Washington DC. He resides in Maryland, teaches with The Miksang Institute for Contemplative Photography, and swims, bikes and kayaks along the way.