- When is it contemplative
- Is there spirituality and does it develop
- The pathless path leading to the gateless gate
- Maps and conceptual constructions – help, hinderance or both
- Religious doctrine, dogma and beliefs vs. teachings
- How science and religion approach beliefs and direct experience
- The value of not knowing and groundlessness
- Suffering vs. pain and stories and identification with thinking as sources of suffering
- There’s no there there: self as fiction arising from thoughts and the paradox
- Here-Now defined and impermanence and presence as aspects
- Thinking as “mental chewing gum”
- "Dissolution" of my inner/outer boundary
- Freedom – what’s thought and thinking got to do with it
- What’s problematic – having thoughts or believing in them
- Non-Duality, unicity, making something an other (dualism)
- Taoism, Yin/Yang and being at peace with everything - more paradox
- Aging: natural loss and more wisdom, love, joy, peace, and beauty found in simple being
Joan’s Website and Books - The Simplicity of What Is
Joan’s Facebook
The Cloud of Unknowing
Be Here Now, Ram Dass